Our Journey

Alex Luna Publishes “The Real Business Case for Rail Growth” in Railway Age Magazine - Mar 25

Railway Age Magazine, the oldest and leading trade publication in the United States rail industry since 1856, publishes Alex Luna’s business case for rail growth.

Alex Luna Speaks on Supply Chain Technology at Vanderbilt University’s Convoy Conference - Mar 25

AlphaRail Founder & CEO Alex Luna was invited to speak on the Supply Chain Technology Panel at Vanderbilt University’s inaugural Convoy Conference, sharing insights on rail logistics and technology alongside industry leaders and investors.

AlphaRail Contributes to The United States Quantum Economic Development Consortium’s Release of its First Report on Quantum Computing for Transportation and Logistics - Mar 24

The United States Quantum Economic Development Consortium Releases its first report on Quantum Computing for Transportation and Logistics ranking AlphaRail’s work on rail operating plan design as one of the highest impact on most feasible use cases for quantum computing within the US transportation economy.

Alex Luna Publishes “Adapt or Decline” in Railway Age Magazine - Mar 24

Railway Age Magazine, the oldest and leading trade publication in the United States rail industry since 1856, publishes Alex Luna’s essay championing adoption of Uber like tools and technology in order to enable the US Rail industry to begin to grow.

Alex Luna Presents The AlphaRail Platform At The United States Quantum Economic Development Consortiums First Transportation Workshop - Oct 2023

Alex Luna presents The AlphaRail Platform at The United States Quantum Economic Development Consortium’s first ever Supply Chain and Transportation use cases workshop to over 50 academic, industry, government experts resulting in rail operating plan design being voted as the top ranked most impactful use case for post-NISQ era quantum computers to impact and improve the US transportation and supply chain industry.

Alex Luna Publishes “Innovation is The Antidote” in Railway Age Magazine - Sep 2021

Railway Age Magazine, the oldest and leading trade publication in the United States rail industry since 1856, publishes Alex Luna’s essay championing innovation as the antidote for the US rail industry’s service challenges.

AlphaRail becomes a Founding Member of The United States Quantum Economic Development Consortium - Nov 2020

AlphaRail becomes a founding member of The United States Quantum Economic Development Consortium as the only rail-focused founding member in order to continue to support the US quantum computing ecosystem as it develops and matures.

AlphaRail joins The United States Quantum Economic Development Consortium - May 2020

We believe that quantum computing has the potential to be a game changing technology for the North American rail industry. We joined this consortium to support the quantum ecosystem as it develops and matures.

AlphaRail graduates from The University of Toronto’s Creative Destruction Lab Quantum Stream as the only US-based graduate firm in the 2019/2020 cohort - May 2020

AlphaRail was one of 9 graduate firms from the 2019-20 cohort of CDL’s Quantum Stream, and was the only US-based graduate firm. CDL’s Quantum Stream involves an intensive 4-week technical and business quantum bootcamp instructed by industry and academic leaders in quantum technologies and machine learning, followed by five objective-setting sessions over 10 months.

AlphaRail is accepted to The University of Toronto’s Creative Destruction Lab Quantum Stream 2019/2020 cohort - Aug 2019

AlphaRail was one of 19 ventures accepted into the world’s leading incubator for startups targeting applications for quantum computing technologies